Game Development Community unites against Unity’s new pricing model

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Unity, the beloved game development engine that has powered countless games and fueled the dreams of aspiring developers, recently made a move that has left many in the industry scratching their heads. In a decision that can only be described as a “huge mistake,” Unity plans to introduce what they call a ‘Runtime Fee’ starting from January 1, 2024.

What’s the ‘Runtime Fee,’ you ask? Well, it’s Unity’s attempt to charge developers based on how often their games are installed. Sounds innocent enough, right? Wrong.

This decision has raised eyebrows, and not in a good way. It’s like buying a car and then being told you have to pay for every mile you drive. Ludicrous, isn’t it? Game developers certainly seem to think so.

Unity has been a shining star in the world of game development, inspiring creativity, enabling innovation, and bringing dreams to life. But this decision seems like a step in the wrong direction.

First off, it was made without any industry consultation. Imagine making a major change to your favorite recipe without asking the chef for input — it just doesn’t make sense. Developers are the backbone of Unity’s success, and they deserved a say in this matter.

Unity claims that only 10% of the industry will be affected. Well, let’s just say that the game development community isn’t buying it. This decision impacts not only developers but artists, designers, marketers, and producers — it’s a domino effect that could lead to companies going out of business.

The timing couldn’t be worse. Game developers are already dealing with tight profit margins, fierce competition, and skyrocketing development and marketing costs. This ‘Runtime Fee’ feels like an additional weight on their shoulders, and it’s threatening the livelihoods of many talented individuals.

Unity, a company that has been celebrated for its innovations, has left its community feeling betrayed. Why weren’t they included in such a pivotal decision?

In response, game development companies have taken a stand. They’ve decided to turn off all IronSource and Unity Ads monetization until these changes are reconsidered. It’s a bold move, but one that showcases their commitment to the industry they love.

The protest site is up and you can sign up if you’re an indie developer or part of a game development company.

Unity is undoubtedly a powerful tool, but it’s the developers who have breathed life into it. It’s time for Unity to reevaluate its ‘Runtime Fee’ decision and get back to what made them great in the first place — collaboration, innovation, and a community that thrives on collective progress.

While Unity’s recent decision to introduce the ‘Runtime Fee’ has sent shockwaves through the game development community, it’s important to remember that there are alternatives out there. Game developers are a resilient bunch, and many have already begun exploring other game engines such as Unreal Engine and Godot. These engines offer powerful tools and, importantly, different monetization models that are not subject to the same concerns as Unity’s new fee structure. If you’re considering making a switch or simply exploring your options, you might find this article on Moving from Unity to Godot enlightening.

In the end, Unity’s ‘huge mistake’ might just be the wakeup call they need to remember who truly powers their success — the developers, the dreamers, and the gamers who all share a common love for the world of gaming. It’s time to hit the reset button, Unity, and remember what makes this industry so special — its passionate and creative community.