Previously on Point Break

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I just had the most incredible realization about Point Break (1991), and I can't wait to share it with you all! This movie, starring Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze, is a legendary film that has stood the test of time. It's easily one of my top 5 action movies ever (hello, best chase scene in history!), and I’ve watched it more times than I can count. It’s been over 30 years since its release, so if you’re here, you probably already know and love it as much as I do.

But here’s the mind-blowing part: I’ve just connected some dots about Bodhi (Patrick Swayze’s character) that took me three decades to realize. Maybe this is something everyone else figured out ages ago, or maybe I’m just now catching on, but bear with me because this is epic.

We all know Bodhi is this incredibly magnetic, almost mystical figure who befriends and deeply influences Johnny Utah (Reeves). He helps Utah fend off attackers, teaches him to surf, sparks his romance with Tyler, and even after discovering Utah’s true identity, he continues to bond with him. He takes him skydiving, involves him in his crew, and when things get intense, he keeps Utah close instead of eliminating him. Bodhi’s loyalty to Utah is unshakeable, even when it jeopardizes his own plans.

For the longest time, I chalked this up to plot necessity or the idea that Bodhi was just a good-hearted but unpredictable guy who preferred not to kill. But then, during a random Google search, I stumbled upon something extraordinary.

Remember early in the movie when Tyler (Lori Petty) introduces Utah to Bodhi? She says, “That’s Bodhi…they call him the Bodhisattva. He’s a modern savage, a real searcher.” I always thought this was just a way to paint Bodhi as a free spirit, a nature-loving hippie. But then, while I was exploring Buddhism, I learned about “Bodhisattvas.”

Here’s the kicker: Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who delay their own entrance to paradise to help others achieve enlightenment.

This is Bodhi to a T! His entire journey in the film is about finding people he can guide to enlightenment—Utah being his prime candidate. Bodhi shows Utah the beauty, pain, joy, and heartbreak of life. He teaches him about humanity, encourages him to become his own master rather than a servant to man’s laws.

Remember Bodhi's profound line: "You can do what you want, and make up your own rules. Why be a servant to the law, when you can be its master?" This is all about enlightenment!

The climax of the movie perfectly illustrates this. Utah, the literal law enforcer, finally confronts Bodhi and cuffs him. But Bodhi pleads for one last chance to ride an epic wave—a force of nature greater than any human law. In this moment, Utah attains enlightenment. He understands Bodhi’s perspective, uncuffs him, and lets him chase his dream.

Utah’s final words to Bodhi are “Vaya con dios” — go with God, a phrase steeped in religious significance. The movie ends with Utah discarding his badge, symbolizing the end of his servitude to the law, and Bodhi, after an exhilarating ride, disappearing into the wave, signifying his entry into paradise having fulfilled his mission.

How incredible is that? Point Break isn’t just an action movie; it’s a philosophical journey about enlightenment, transformation, and transcending societal constraints. If that doesn’t make you want to rewatch it immediately, I don’t know what will! 🌊🏄‍♂️